Riansyah Portfolio

Portofolio - tutorial4serangkai

Star integrated learning in your hand Star


created using the Laravel framework which aims to carry out booking activities that can connect private learning booking activities carried out by students. with tutors who are carried out either privately or in groups with a maximum limit of 10 people.

on this website integration can be done between users, namely students, tutors and all can be accessed by the admin. tutors can set their schedules which are visible and can be ordered by students. then the admin validates the payment and connects between users.


The interesting thing about this website is how to configure between users automatically by a system.


Tutorial 4 Serangkai is engaged in educational services which is a tutoring institution providing private tutoring services for students. tutoring institution providing private tutor services for students. Tutoring services that we provide include student courses, TOEFL and Chinese, Arabic, and English, and professional courses. And we also provide private learning for SD, SMP and SMA but not as our main target market.

Good service quality is our main motto. Our business has been running since April 2020, we have provided tutoring services for students in several universities such as in several universities such as UNAIR, ITS, UB, UPN, UNESA, UNDIP, ITB, IPD, etc.
but our big market is at UNAIR. Currently, we have expanded our business by opening private tutors for elementary, middle and high school, SBMPTN preparation, TOEFL,
thesis guidance, online video and language courses for regions. We have an instagram account named @tutorial4serangkai, linkedIn named Tutorial 4 Serangkai, Oa line named Tutorial 4 Serangkai and the website https://tutorial4serangkai.com as a medium for promotion and place orders for our services.




By me and team


business with dashboard member


All Services site


This website was created with the Laravel framework. with configuration using HTML, CSS JS, PHP, and MYSQLI languages with design using figma tools.

This website consists of login configuration, admin dashboard, tutor dashboard, and student dashboard that are interconnected, landing page, and payment page.